Dating a SPLENDA Mama

This week on the show we recorded a lot earlier because of scheduling and because this was going to be a slightly different episode - we have an in-house panelist join us. But, as usual, we get into the everyday life conversations, as well as touch on a few interesting topics. Including, the latest on the Sonya Massey tragedy. THANKS for listening, watching and SHARING the episode out with everyone you know and/or hate.

Notes of discussion:

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Update on the Sonya Massey tragedy

Man is swallowed by a whale, and lives to tell about it

PanfurWare and Anthony Farrior

The Jamhole podcast and Mat Lee

The Ozone Nightmare and Joe Esposito

He's a Dip Sheet

This week on the show we look at some lessons learned from the week as well as take a look why Queen Pruitt went to the hospital. Of course there were some ADHD rabbit hole moments, but that's how everyday people have conversations. We just do so on mics. Thanks for listening, watching and SHARING with others.

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