A recent fun shot I wanted to share.
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New Things From the Clouds
Those of you that may care have probably heard that the FAA now allows use of certain personal electronic devices during takeoff and landing of airplanes. No more of the "turn your cell phone off" talk when you're getting ready to depart. This was big news to some folks. I wrote a lil' more eloquently about this on aNewDomain. Just click here to read that piece (please and thank you).
Anyway. . . .
image credit Ant Pruitt for antpruitt.com
Screwing around on my twitter feed today I saw Delta Airline had some fun with the new rulings. It launched a contest of some sort to show off pictures taken #Below10kFeet. I didn't read the contest details. Didn't care that much, but I submitted one. Click on that hash tag to see some of the other submissions. Pretty cool.
I think this was a great idea from Delta. You?