Hmm. That headline could go a few ways. Well yeah it's been a week in a sense. Yeah it's been a week since I last put an entry here on But I'm more so talking about it's been a week since some news broke in my personal/work life.
Last week, the company I work for had an announcement. Well let me start by saying, last October, my company was purchased by our competitor. This was a good thing in my opinion. But anyway, that meant that some things may change, some may not. But last week, my original CEO decided to resign.
Image credit Ant Pruitt for
This hit me straight in the heart. I absolutely love that man. I'm not going to say his name, but he has been a great man for our company and meant a lot to me personally. I've been with the company 12 years and I've seen lots of changes in the company, leadership and even culture. This guy wasn't the CEO when I got there, but he was still a Chief. I was lucky enough to have my cubicle right next to his office. He yelled a lot, he laughed a lot and he came out and to talk smack to me. . .a lot.
Not to mention, I'd go to the gym on my lunch break and see him and a few of our other chief leaders working out. We'd have. . ."guy talk" there. Not work talk. It was so great! I've been so fortunate to work for the company and under his leadership.
He freakin' loved the company and was always genuine to me. There wasn't one time that I felt like I couldn't go and knock on his door if I had a problem. Some never felt comfortable walking up to the CEO to say, "something is wrong." I wasn't one of them. The man said to holla at him if I had an issue and stuck to his word.
The stories he'd share about his previous employment were always interesting as he told me things he learned. The stories he'd share about his family and college days were great and usually hilarious. I felt honored to have those stories shared with me.
There were times he'd yell at some sales rep that promised a prospect the world as if we could give it to them or some vendor trying to screw us, he'd finish up and stick his head out of his office with a "Sorry, Anthony." Of course, he'd do that with a grin. I'd just laugh.
When he later became CEO and his office moved away from my cubicle, a sign was given to him for his new office. It said "I yell because I care." It was funny to see, but damn it was true. He truly did. You know this man has asked me on several occasions, "how's Isaiah?" "How's Jacob?" "How's Jordan?" Yeah, he KNEW MY HARDHEADZ! There were times his wife would come by the office and she ALWAYS GAVE ME A HUG. Those people are freakin' special to me.
Well anyway, our new owners has a CEO. Something had to give. We all knew it. Don't get me wrong, it hurt me that he left the company, but there's only enough room for one leader at the top. It is what it is. That's corporate America.
I can't say too much about my new CEO as I haven't been able to get to know him fully yet. I do feel good about our company and new leadership and becoming more and more as one. Yeah, merger times is a pain in the neck somedays, but it's ahite. I look forward to learning more about my new leaders and what they have to offer me.
I hope for nothing but the best for my former CEO. I know he's gonna be fine as he's going to be out in Hawaii chillin'. Hopefully he's gonna send a brotha an invite and plane ticket for a visit! Anyway, do you have any co-workers or leaders from your career that have meant a lot to you? This guy and the CEO he replaced years back are that for me.