My youngest boy continues to prove how special he is. Yeah, my other boys are special too. But in this case, I'm mentioning the traits and personality of my youngest. Ever since I allowed him to swing my sand wedge and pitching wedge from my golf set, he's been diligent about learning golf. So diligent that his gift wish for earning straight A's was a golf set of his own.
He now has that set. He spends a lot of time trying to get better at swinging the clubs and making good ball contact. He's got a ways to go, but he's not bad. See here.
Most weekends I'm constantly asked by him if we're going to the driving range to practice instead of the typical practice done in the backyard. Although on this particular day, I felt he should practice the "money making" art of putting a golf ball. So instead of the range, we hit the practice green at a local golf course. This was his first time trying it out and it showed him that it's not like mini golf or putt-putt. It's a different feel. He eventually got a better grasp of it all and the focus was fully locked.
I had to take a moment and capture this shot of him. No it's not a perfect shot, but it put a fitting peaceful end to my day. Hopefully his, also.
Image credit Ant Pruitt. Captured with my Nexus 6. Processed in Polarr and Lightroom CC.