Looking back onto day six of my #30DaysAnd30Photos challenge and I'm finding myself confused. I barely remember details of the day. What I do remember was being extremely busy and feeling like I need more than 24 hours in a day. Ever felt like that?
When I sat down to look at photos on my SD card, this particular photo did bring a memory from day 6. Not only that, it brought emotion. I shot this in my beloved Zoe's Coffee House while sitting at the bar. I was working on a script for work as well as enjoying a cup of (black) coffee. Across from me sat this gentleman. An artist. A content creator. I LOVE seeing people in the middle of creating works of art. The facial expressions are always filled with subtle intensity, concentration and love for their craft.
Here we have an artist creating music digitally. I could have played around with my T5i's settings a little more, but didn't. My processing was a combination of Lightroom and Snapseed between my computer and Nexus 6. I appreciate the artist granting me permission to shoot this photograph while he worked. I truly enjoy seeing creative juices flowing in someone.
Image by Ant Pruitt All Rights Reserved
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