I Shared My Experience Shooting Photos in China

A few years ago I had the opportunity to cover CES Asia in Shanghai, China. It was my second opportunity to visit another country for my work and my first time in Asia. It was AMAZING and I’ll never forget it. A little while ago, I was approached by my man Steve Brazill to be a guest on his podcast Behind The Shot to discuss a particular photograph I captured while I was in China. No, it’s not the photo below, but if you click on the photo below, you’ll be able to watch the video and see the image I captured. For the record, the show below was actually captured in China. THANKS for checking it out and thanks to Steve Brazill for having me on. And thanks for buying me a beer. 🤜🏾

Images by Ant Pruitt - all rights reserved

Images by Ant Pruitt - all rights reserved