"Ruthless Reviews" Ain't Bad At All, Right?

A little while ago I sat in our Mr Alex Lindsay’s Office Hours again. I love sitting in on that panel to attempt to answer questions from the creative community as well as LEARN more stuff for my own skillset. Periodically, he and the panel conduct “ruthless reviews” of each other. The reviews range audio, to video, to set, and so forth. All about making the online/virtual meeting experience better for the panelist and their audience. I was a part of this ruthless review and it was quite helpful. Click below to watch the first hour of q&a and then watch the second hour of the video as we get into ruthless reviews. Enjoy.

Screenshot via Alex Lindsay and Office Hours

Screenshot via Alex Lindsay and Office Hours

Learning A Lot From Office Hours With Alex Lindsay

I’ve had the pleasure to meet Mr. Alex Lindsay a few years ago since moving west. There was so much I didn’t know about him beyond the world of seeing him on TWiT TV. After meeting him and shooting a show with him, the pandemic happened. For him, the pandemic mattered not. He and his business partners pivoted and created something I enjoy each week that’s designed to help content creators learn more about the craft. It also serves as a great community for open discussions about the topics shared and learned. it’s called Office Hours.

Every now and then I’ve joined Office Hours as a panelist to answer questions that I may actually be familiar with. A lot of the time, I have no idea as I’m not a creator that’s out on movie sets in Hollywood or someone that livestreams large productions on a regular basis. But it’s nice to be able to contribute where I can.

On this episode below, the second hour of Office Hours focused on orchestral recording and how to position the mics. It’s such a nuance skill. The presentation was handled by Karl Asmussen of Australia. Sorry, I can’t find a website or social media profile to link to him. Anyway, watch his presentation by clicking the image below. You’ll learn a LOT.

Image screencap from Karl Asmussen

Image screencap from Karl Asmussen