I Love The Platypod, But There's An Even BETTER Product Coming

If you’re an avid Instagram user, you’ve probably seen ads for the Platypod over the years in your feed. The device is a mini tripod that’s ultra-portable and durable for pretty much any low-angle photo framing. I love it. Especially since I enjoy low-angle photos. But the Doctor Larry T and his team has developed something even better for photographers and their tripods. Seriously, it’s truly worth a look. Check out my man Steve Brazill and his interview Platypod founder, Doctor Larry T and get a glimpse of the forth-coming Platyball.

Again, the Kickstarter ends on March 15. It’s awesome seeing so many people already on board for the new product. After the campaign ends, the pricing will go up another $75 or so. Kudos to Platypod and Dr Larry T.